
Bring your job ads online quickly and easily

Website without a jobs page? But open jobs you want the world to know about?
Get your job postings online in minutes with Zenboard.

Job boards based on Zenboard

All the essential features, no fluff

If you don't need hundreds of 3rd party integrations and fancy features, Zenboard is for you.
Simple editor
Zenboards easy to use editor makes it simple to format your job ads exactly how you want them.
Google integration
Have your job postings found by millions of job seekers who search on Google every day.
Attention generating thumbnails
Zenboard automatically creates attractive thumbnails for your job ads on social networks.
Responsive modern layout
Convince job seekers about your company with a functional layout that looks great on all devices.
Categories and filters
Categorize your job postings and make it easy for job seekers to find the right job with Zenboard's filter function.
Company profile
Create your company profile and let job seekers know why they should work with you.

Beta signup

We are still in an early beta stage. Let us know if you want to try our service for free as long as we are in beta.


Find quick answers to common questions. Can't find what you're looking for? Just send us an email!

Zenboard is an online service that helps companies bring their open jobs online quickly and easily. It provides a company-owned job board and is intended as a supplement for company websites that do not have a dedicated jobs section. It focuses on simplicity and ease of use for the company as well as the job board visitor.

Yes and no. There will be a free version with a limited number of allowed job postings and some other limitations (like no custom domain). However, it will be perfectly sufficient to get started. The Pro version will contain all features without limitations and will cost not more than 20 USD per month.

During the beta phase, we handle the onboarding for each interested company manually. Use our signup form and we will set up your account so that you can start creating your job postings immediately afterwards.

Yes, our service complies with the GDPR guidelines by collecting and processing user data only with explicit consent, ensuring the right to be forgotten, and implementing appropriate security measures to protect user data. We take user privacy seriously and are committed to maintaining compliance with GDPR regulations at all times.

Absolutely, your data is completely secure with us. We use the latest encryption technology and adhere to strict security protocols to ensure the highest level of protection for your data. Our servers are also located in a secure data center with 24/7 monitoring and regular backups. You can trust that your data is safe with us.

Absolutely! However, for us it's important to keep things straightforward. We're aiming to avoid making our software overly complex by trying to do too much. Therefore, there might be instances where we have to decline certain requests. With that said, feel free to send us an email and share your thoughts.

Ready to get started?

Sign up for free during our beta phase.